Thursday, May 31, 2007

At the lake...

We went to visit Papa Dave and Granny a few weeks ago at the lake...the boys love everything about the water!!

Playing outside in our cars....

Our favorite activity...

Now that Anderson has gotten a little older, he and Griffin play cars together (or next to each other) all the time. It is so cute and I love that they're starting to be into the same things. We're still working on the whole, "Do not take cars out of your brother's hand" thing, but nevertheless, it's cute!!

Anderson loves to talk on the phone...

We usually find it off the hook, so if you ever call and our phone is busy you know what he's been up to that day!!

A birthday party for Giraffe!!

Griffin wanted to celebrate Giraffe's birthday (the animal he's always slept with), so we had to sing Happy Birthday to him at breakfast and make sure it was a special time!

My precious naked fireman...

Anderson gets so completely covered in cereal and milk in the morning that I usually have to take off his pajamas after he eats. He seems to really like walking around free of those hindering clothes, but he usually puts on his brother's crocs-just so he won't feel bare. This particular morning (back in April) he was having a great time wearing his firehat...

Okay, so maybe I didn't pick the best time to start a blog...

I realize it's been a month and a half since I've posted anything, and I was going to try to be so good about posting. But, I'm pregnant (14 weeks now), and I've been so sick that I just haven't felt like doing anything productive. We are really excited about another addition to our family!! We are due November 27, which is my dad's birthday! We've told the boys and Griffin is soooo excited!! He said if it's a girl he wants to name her Minnie, and if it's a boy he wants to name him Anderson. Yes, we already have an Anderson, but apparently he thinks it would just be much easier if both his brothers had the same name. We'll find out what we're having around the first of July, so I'll keep you posted! I'm going to try to post several things today to start catching up....