Wednesday, April 13, 2011


so, february was a fun month...
we actually had snow!!!
we were able to make snow cream for the first time!!!
i got to go for a fun weekend
with some favorite friends from college...
we threw our hands in the air,
and waved 'em like we just don't care...
there were even a few days of warm sunshine!!
 we spent lots of time enjoying
one of anderson's favorite birthday presents...
 a zip line!!!
if you're looking for a fun gift idea i highly recommend it-
even for sweet little girls...

*in case you're wondering, the brand is spring swings

Sunday, April 3, 2011


i can't believe it's been 3 months since i posted anything!!
i've had a nice little blogging break,
but now there's some catching up to do! 
going back to january...
our local weathermen predicted a
huge snowstorm was headed our way.
the kids were beyond excited, and a bit disappointed
when all we actually got was ice!
they had the best attitudes though,
and we had such a fun day sledding on the ice!!!
the boys started out sledding in our front yard...
collier didn't want to sled by herself,
but we ended up going to the golf course where we all got to sled
(except for michael who was sadly inside with the flu).
the kids and i actually went sledding for a total of 4 hours that day...
it was a blast!!!
anderson dressed up like a circus conductor at school one day...
griffin and collier wanted to be his clowns :)
collier had a playdate with another "princess"...
and sweet anderson learned to ride his bike without training wheels!!
he really took to it right away and has hardly stopped since!
he's even able to bring pucker along in his little pouch :)